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What is NiPPeR?

Researchers in the United Kingdom (Southampton), Singapore and New Zealand (Auckland) from the EpiGen Global Research Consortium are trialling the use of a combination of nutrients and probiotics before and during pregnancy in a bid to improve the health of mothers and their babies.  

What does NiPPeR stand for?

The trial’s full title is: Nutritional Intervention Preconception and during Pregnancy to maintain healthy glucosE levels and offspRing health (NiPPeR).

What is unique about the NiPPeR trial?

• Women will be followed from pre-conception through pregnancy and their baby’s first year of life.

• Participants will belong to at least five different ethnic groups in three geographical locations (UK, Singapore and New Zealand).

Who can participate?

The study has recruited 1,800 women, before they conceived, across three centres in Southampton, Singapore and Auckland.

What will be required of participants?

Participants have been asked to drink the nutrients twice a day before pregnancy and to continue during pregnancy. There will also be a series of monitoring tests before, during and after pregnancy. The nutrient mixes used in this trial are not commercially available.

How can I participate?

The trial started in July, 2015. Thank you for your support. Recruitment numbers have now been fulfilled.








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